Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Update on Audi

I thought I will just do an update on Audi. It's been about 5 months now since we've got him. And I just adore him. He can be annoying at times, always doing what I tell him not to do but at the end of the day, he is such a cutie.

Like I mentioned in my previous posts, caring for parrots is a LOT of work. I have to wipe down his cage daily, reline the cage bottom everyday with newspapers, do a deep clean of the cage once a month, prepare his meals twice a day (fresh fruit and veggies) and provide at least 4 hours of play time with him. Not to mention toys. Oh my goodness, how quickly he goes through his toys - demolishes them or gets bored of them. And bird toys are not cheap!! I get them from the Parrot Rescue Centre online store (they are a santuary that looks after parrots that can't be rehomed due to behavioural problems etc so most of the money they make from the toys, goes into caring for the parrots) and also MyParrotShop.com (they are quite pricey). And fruit and veggies aren't cheap either. Audi is partial to pomegranites and passionfruits - and considering they aren't in season, it all adds up. Went shopping for pomegranites the other day. $5.60 each!! What a spoilt birdy. My boyfriend complains that the bird gets fed better than him. It's true.

But he's my little baby and worth all the effort. Some of the antics he does cracks us up.

When he's out he want to be on someone. He likes to perch on our shoulders as it makes him feel like the top dog. And he likes to rest his toys against our heads whilst chewing chewing on them.

"What cha looking at?"

He just looks so gorgeous here

He loves looking out the window


"Yep. I think I'll just perch on these books. Because I can"

Here he is enjoying his fruit and veggie kabob.

Just chilling and chewing on my bag 

Audi and I :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I am quite proud of this look. This shoot was done in March. I was supposed to do a barbie inspired shoot with three models. The girl organising the shoot was a bit disorganised and two of the models pulled out so I ended up doing makeup for her and a friend she brought along. The photographer asked me if I would also be willing to do a look on his girlfriend as they had bought a mask and wanted to try it out. I was happy to help them out.

This was what I came up with. I just love airbrushing! It makes the skin look so even and flawless!