Thursday, November 25, 2010

First Post - Avatar Makeup

This is my absolute first post and I am pretty excited!!! Still finding my way around this blog. Not too sure where all the buttons are... it's a lot more difficult that I had originally thought. Julie and Julia (the movie) made starting up a blog look so easy.

A little about myself. I completed my Diploma of Specialised Makeup a few months ago and am now a qualified makeup artist. Have been doing the odd job here and there but once my life calms down a bit, I hope to start advertising my services and getting my name out there. It's a tough industry to break into. Rewarding but a lot of hard work.

This was my final assessment piece. I went for an avatar look with a twist. Part of the criteria was to utilise at least 2 techniques learnt thoughout the course and so I chose airbrushing and special effects. I made my own prosthetic piece using cotton balls and latex, and made small gills on the nose using wax.

My boyfriend was my model for this assessment. Poor guy was dragged to numerous classes so I could practice.

As you would have probably have noticed, the blue isn't completly even across his face, especially around the ears but I had run out of blue paint. And the white freckles were painted on too thickly. I should've been less heavy handed with it but oh well. Overall I was quite happy to end the course on this look :).


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