Friday, January 7, 2011

Audi my eclectus parrot

This is Audi. And yes, he is named after the car. Audi's are my boyfriends favourite type of car and I personally think it's a great name for him. He's sleek, fast and just plain sexy.

Isn't he beyond cute?!! I'm biased and think he's the most handsome eclectus I've ever seen :). You can check him out on my youtube channel

I've had him for about a month now and while it is a lot of work to care for him (eclectus need a very specific diet, playtime, cage needs to be constantly cleaned and more), it's very rewarding and I am falling in love with the lil terror. He is extremely mischevious and likes to push my buttons and see what he can get away with. He does get spoilt though. Owning a parrot is a massive responsibility. People usually don't know how much care they need. They live past the age of 50 and usually outlive their owners.

I'll be updating on his progress. I will start clicker training more seriously soon (I've done a little bit of targeting and he's caught on pretty quick).

This is his first step into his cage. I placed his carrier in the cage so he could step out once he felt comfortable. It's never good to force a parrot to do anything and they should be allowed the choice of whether or not they want to do something. It makes them feel more empowered. Well the little tyke pretty much stepped out straight away and climbed up onto the perch.

I started encouraging recall early on. That's my cousin in the picture. I try to socialise him and he's pretty calm around lots of people and even strangers. Before I took him home, the breeders had told me he was a VERY good flier for his age, better than his siblings. He was around 5 months when I got him.

This was him on my shoulder yawning... yes birds can yawn.


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